Gaza solidarity

In the last eleven months of employment with Peace News (ie. before they were forced to resign) the PN staff helped to raise over £16,200 for Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP), by giving away Gaza solidarity badges for a donation at the big marches in London.

We have now revised and reprinted two of these badges (‘Ceasefire Now’ and ‘Stop Arming Israel’) and will be back on the streets with these on 5 October (once again, all proceeds will be donated to MAP). We hope to make these badges will also shortly be available through this website too.

Update added 6 October 2024: At the 5 October ’24 national demonstration we raised a further £678.19 for Medical Aid for Palestinians by giving out the badges below for a donation.

Here are some links to PN‘s coverage of Gaza since October 2023:

Israel wants war
, September 2024

Israel versus peace, August – September 2024

Israel refuses to take ‘yes’ for an answer, June – July 2024

Vote for Gaza: Doesn’t support an immediate permanent ceasefire? Don’t vote for them, June – July 2024

Review: Jamie Stern-Weiner (ed), Deluge: Gaza and Israel from Crisis to Cataclysm, June – July 2024

Ceasefire: No more ‘pauses’, April – May 2024

Hamas has strong support among Palestinians – much more than Fatah – says poll, PN blog post, 1 April 2024

The UN security council ceasefire resolution is binding on Israel, PN blog post, 1 April 2024

‘Israel, stop killing’ says World Court, February – March 2024

This is not a war of self-defence, December 2023 – January 2024

Hamas has repeatedly offered a renewable 10-year truce, December 2023 – January 2024

CEASEFIRE NOW! Resources for holding a ‘Naming the Dead’ action in your town or city, PN blog post, 31 October 2023

Why nonviolent protest has a critical role to play in protecting Gaza’s civilians, PN flier and blog post, 18 October 2023

The front cover of the final issue of Peace News under the staff who were forced to resign