In August 2024 the entire staff of the long-running peace movement newspaper Peace News (PN) resigned in protest over what they described as a ‘tidal wave of intimidation, harassment and threats’ from the paper’s parent company, Peace News Trustees.
See below for more information:
Press release (30 August 2024)
Articles from PN 2674 (September 2024):
- Peace News to close
- What will happen now
- One director’s resignation letter
- ‘Your opinion alone is the most important’
- The future of PN must be inclusive and democratic
- How things fell apart
- For the record
- Another PNT failure
Extra: An inquorate vote: Why PN staff did not recognise the ‘new’ Peace News Ltd directors as directors
Media coverage and statements of support
Why ‘JNV’?
In the rush to put out the last issue of Peace News explaining to subscribers why the staff and directors were resigning, there was little time to buy a domain name and set up a staff solidarity website. The PN directors and staff realised that a solidarity website would be needed after we’d resigned, and that we needed a domain name to put into the final issue under our control, otherwise readers might lose touch with us.
Then-PN editor Milan Rai offered an old URL that he owned, belonging to ‘Justice Not Vengeance’ or ‘JNV’, a peace group he had helped to found and run in the mid-2000s. JNV was originally a website set up in response to the ‘War on Terror’. The website was for several years a side project of ARROW (Active Resistance to the Roots of War), a London-based nonviolent direct action group that existed from 1990 to 2003. Former PN staffers Gabriel Carlyle, Emily Johns and Milan Rai were all members of ARROW.